Our Story - How it all started

Our Story - Zoesage

Hello, I’m Bianca, mother of 2 and living proof that the statement “motherhood is no joke” is all too true. After fumbling my way through baby number 1 and just surviving the journey, I had baby number 2 (as you do!). I thought that by baby number 2, I would feel more at ease with breastfeeding and the whole motherhood thing. But it turns out there are only more challenges to face and the stresses that come with baby number 1 are still present. I was one tired, stressed and unhappy mama which filtered through to my family.

It was then I decided to create a place where new and experienced Mamas alike could come to find baby products to help them be more in control. Products that actually reduced stress levels not increased them. That is where my 3rd baby (figuratively speaking), Zoe Sage, was born.

Zoe Sage is a place to empower mamas with incredible baby products. A place to ease the transition to motherhood and breastfeeding because, let’s be honest, motherhood is no joke!

Baby Products and Accessories for All Parents

Every child deserves the best, and their parents deserve no less! When you shop at Zoe Sage, we assure complete satisfaction and contentment. 

Little ones can be a handful, whether you have older kids or not. As a parent or parent figure, you naturally want top quality baby products for your children. 

From baby carriers to the perfect body wash, you want to collect anything that might come in handy with feeding, nursing, bath time, play, or just enjoying life with your child. 

This is where Zoe Sage steps in. With a great range of baby products from popular brands, you can shop in any category that meets a parenting need. 

The Best Accessories for Parenting Your Little Ones

The parenting lifestyle does not start at birth; it begins way before that! Way before the due date, you start scanning every store and shop for baby products. Bottles, bassinets, bath time props, feeding and nursing accessories — you prepare for it all. 

At Zoe Sage, we have a range of baby products in stock – all for the purpose of making life easier for families. 

Carriers & Wraps

When you’re on a stroll with your kids, your day can be hard. You may struggle to understand what the older children are saying, especially if the baby just had a diaper accident. 

Strollers and prams can be helpful. But most babies may find it safer in a baby carrier or stretchy wrap. We have a wide range of options in this category, with some of Australia's top brands to suit your baby’s sensitive skin. 

A proper wrap can keep the baby safe while older kids are playing around. Many parents in Australia also agree that the right carrier makes life easier, allows for gentle play, and can prevent many accidents. 

At Zoe Sage, you can also get wraps to match with your favourite outfits. When in doubt, watch a video to find out the perfect way of using a baby wrap!

Feeding Sets

With the best feeding sets from Australia's top brands, you are ready to start transitioning the baby to solids. You may also find that these sets make older kids want to help out, especially if they match their favourite colour!

We make sure to provide a wide range of brands and child-safe options in our online store. You can shop for sets to match your decor, or go for the best brands in Australia for your child. 

Mama Essentials

Are you taking care of yourself along with your kids? Life can get pretty full with even one child. But it is not all about strollers and keeping little bums dry. 

Pay attention to your needs and wants; you might find that life is easier that way! Our mother’s essential help to provide mothers in Australia with plenty of comfort. 

Pram Bags

There is a lot to pack when you want to go outside with the kids. With our pram bags, you can make life easier and more convenient. 

Whether the kids want to play in the park or it is time to shop for groceries, a pram bag is essential. Our range and brands will help you match everything properly while also making it easy to dry any accidents and ensure a safe trip. 

Nappy Change Mat Clutch

On the go and need to save space? Match our nappy change mat clutch to your other accessories, and you are all set. Our store makes sure to use only the top quality materials. So, your baby’s sensitive skin will have the best protection even when outside. In Australia, you can't settle for anything less!

Dribble Bibs

Keep that sensitive skin dry and precious baby clothes safe with the best dribble bibs in Australia. Again, you can choose from several colours in our store and match according to your needs. 

Bamboo Hooded Baby Towels

Bath time can be a fun play time. But you need the right accessories to keep the baby safe. Shop for the best brands at our online store. With no artificial fragrance and an eco-friendly design, these towels can make the baby’s bath safer and more comfortable. Match with your existing decor or choose neutral colors for everyday outfits. 

New Arrivals

We keep updating our stock. So, keep coming back to see the new arrivals in our store! Whether it’s nursing babies or dealing with older children simultaneously, our wide range can help you handle everything in life. 

If you are looking for a sign that life will get easier, this new range of baby products might be the perfect answer:

Mama Covers (5 in 1)

The best addition to our online shop, these mama covers provide a wide range of uses. The uses can be endless. But here are the five main ones:

  • A soft and comfy breastfeeding cover
  • A trolley cover for when you go to the store
  • A nursing scarf for when you are on the go
  • A cover for the high chair at home or restaurant chairs when you are out
  • A capsule cover for prams, strollers, and any other space

Muslin Swaddles

Tiny babies need wrapping up. And what better way to do it than a soft muslin swaddle? With a range of safe options to try out, parents can choose the perfect print or colour to match the nursery or different outfits. 

Sleeping Bags

Parents need a safe and allergen-free environment for their babies to sleep in. With the top-notch quality at Zoe Sage, you can be sure that our sleeping bags are among the best ones in Australia! Check out our range of brands and designs today before other parents snap them all up!

Nursing Bracelets

These useful bracelets are free of synthetic fragrance and the most convenient deal for nursing mothers! You can flip them inside out, use them to tie back a blanket, or switch from one hand to another to remember the last breastfeeding side. Overall, this little token can help ensure that you nurse in the healthiest and safest way possible. 

Now that you know our baby products collection, it’s time to check our stock today and make the right purchase for your baby. Browse the entire range of products and order from Zoe Sage!
